Divorce - Digital Forensics Corporation
800-849-6515 24/7/365 Support Service Open


While we can’t help you take pictures of your soon-to-be-ex in bed with a lover, we can help you find digital evidence of your ex’s indiscretions on devices that are in your home right now. Computers, laptops, tablets, and phones all contain a wealth of information about the habits of anyone in your house that uses them. Sometimes we are even able to find information (like text messages or photos) that was deleted! If the evidence is there to be found, we can uncover it for you. This evidence can be in the form of:

Evidence That Can Be Used In Court

While we can’t help you take pictures of your soon-to-be-ex in bed with a lover, we can help you find digital evidence of your ex’s indiscretions on devices that are in your home right now. Computers, laptops, tablets, and phones all contain a wealth of information about the habits of anyone in your house that uses them. Sometimes we are even able to find information (like text messages or photos) that was deleted! If the evidence is there to be found, we can uncover it for you. This evidence can be in the form of:

  • Emails
  • Text messages
  • Internet usage history
  • Voicemails
  • Letters
  • Photographs
  • Videos
  • Audio recordings
  • Schedules
  • Records (financial, medical, school, police reports, etc)

Often this type of evidence is present on your phone, email, or computer. While you might be aware it’s there, gathering this evidence to properly submit to the court is a daunting task. Don’t worry, we can help

Getting the Evidence You Need

There is more than one benefit to having a digital forensic team gather your evidence for you. At Digital Forensics Corporation, our digital forensic investigators are trained to find both evidence you know is there, and evidence you didn’t know was there. We have a proven track record for providing evidence that the courts will admit, and can help you verify that files are authentic.

Uncover Deleted Evidence

While a lot of evidence may be present on a device that you and your ex shared, there is often a lot more evidence on the device that has been deleted. Our digital forensic investigators can find that evidence and bring it to light.

Authentic Data Verified By A 3rd Party

Even though you are paying us, we are always an impartial 3rd party. If the evidence is there, we will help you find it. But if the evidence is not there, we will not fabricate it for you. Our methods are forensically sound and verifiable, meaning that if your ex wants to hire his own expert to show that what we’ve found isn’t true, he or she just will be wasting money. All of our findings are put into a court accepted format, which translates into a report that you can provide the judge. This makes submitting digital evidence quick, easy, and sure to pass all inspections it’s put through.

Expert Witness Testimony

If your divorce case becomes a battle of digital evidence, and expert witness testimony is needed, we can provide that also. One of our talented forensic engineers is always available for court appearances, and can help you ensure that your case is rock solid.


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