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Social Media Impersonation: What Is It and How to Deal With It

Almost everyone is on social media; at least, that’s how it may feel in today’s age. Most people who use the internet have some form of social media, whether that’s Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or belonging to a social forum. 

Many social media users operate multiple forms of accounts — up to six accounts on various platforms — because each one provides a different experience and can give access to certain people, companies, interests, and hobbies.

However, the increased use of the internet and social media can lead to some safety issues, which we rely on the help of the platforms to help reduce. Instances of bad behavior, inappropriate posts, and spam are left to the [...]

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Gaming Security: How To Stay Safe and Risks To Avoid

Online gaming has grown exponentially in the last decade, with options for people to play with friends, family, and strangers. Online games can be played from various devices, such as computers, gaming consoles, and even smartphones. 

Each game brings its own approach to interacting, with some games allowing no communication, texting, or voice chats. Many games focusing on online interactivity will have options for communicating with other players. 

Some games come with an entire community that is within the game or software and networks outside of the game. Online gamers can become members of forum communities, discord messaging servers, and proprietary hosts that [...]

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Is My Phone Hacked? How To Check and What To Do if It Is

We use our phones for almost everything. They’ve become a quick and easy way to access the outside world, acting as a mini-computer. We can handle emails, directions, texts, and calls and store endless amounts of personal information. Considering that 90% of adults have a smartphone, the device is a walking target.

Unfortunately, we deal with constant attempts by scammers and hackers to compromise our information. We receive spam emails, phone calls from unknown numbers, and notifications about data breaches almost daily. 

With how much trust we put in our phones to hold all of our life’s details, just how secure are they?

Can Your Phone Get Hacked?

Any phone is [...]

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Instagram Hacked and Deleted? Here’s What To Do

Has your Instagram account been compromised? Have you noticed unauthorized changes or lost access? It’s a sinking feeling knowing your Instagram has been hacked. 

But you’re not alone in this. It happens more often than you think, and there are steps you can take to get your account back.

Here at Digital Forensics, we’ve helped countless people in your situation regain control of their Instagram and even track down the hackers. Our team knows how stressful this can be, so we act fast. We’ve got the skills and tech to handle even the trickiest cases. 

If your Instagram’s been hacked, give us a call — we’re ready to help.

Has [...]
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