Cellebrite UFED Physical Pro Certified Experts. - Digital Forensics Corporation
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Cellebrite UFED Physical Pro

What is Cellebrite UFED?

Deep Insight into Mobile Devices. Making Mobile Data Valuable.

ccme certification


The CCME is Cellebrite’s top certification; it certifies that mobile device examiners have attained a level of mastery in the discipline of mobile device forensic investigation methodology as well as a high degree of proficiency with Cellebrite’s Physical Analyzer software and a high level of working and practical knowledge regarding Cellebrite’s UFED technology. The examination tests basic knowledge, tool knowledge, and practical experience using three popular mobile device operating systems including Android, iOS, and Blackberry. CCME certification indicates that an investigator is a skilled mobile device examiner.

Is certifications important?

Certification in the use of a tool can be critical to your potential status as an expert witness, and even to your testimony as a fact witness. It should help you successfully meet an admissibility challenge in court, as well as withstand cross-examination about your process and the tools you used.

We are Certified

View our Cellebrite UFED Pro certificate

AME Certificate

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