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How to Report Sextortion on Snapchat?

How to Report Sextortion on Snapchat?

Snapchat is a popular social media app that allows users to share photos and videos that quickly disappear. While it may seem harmless to interact with friends, it can also be a breeding ground for cyberbullying, harassment, and other forms of online abuse. If you or someone you know has fallen victim to Snapchat-related abuse, this post is for you. In this article, we will discuss some preventive measures that you can take to protect yourself and how to report sextortion on Snapchat.                       

How Often Can You See Sextortion On Snapchat?

Sextortion is rampant on Snapchat for many reasons, and victims of all ages, especially teens, are becoming targets. For starters, the app provides users with an avatar to create instead of using an authentic photo of themselves. This allows these cybercriminals to become anyone they want to be without worrying about their real identities being revealed.  

The app also deletes content sent between two parties within a short time frame. This benefits blackmailers in the long run because it makes it difficult for victims to screenshot their photos or messages for evidence. The app notifies its users once a person screenshots any content in their chat. However, blackmailers use third-party apps to screen-record their victims’ content without their knowledge.                    

The FBI conducted sextortion research, showing that 65% of teens on Snapchat were targeted for sextortion. Snapchat allows blackmailers to be discreet and gives them mass success in luring victims in through flirtatious talk and salacious photos and videos.                                                         

How To Report Sextortion On Snapchat? 

Snapchat has a Report feature lets users report inappropriate activity, including sextortion. To do so, tap and hold on to the chat or story to Report a Snap or chat. When you choose to report, Snapchat will investigate it and take appropriate action.

If you are located in the United States, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) operates the Cyber Tip line. On this hotline, you can anonymously report any suspected child sexual exploitation online, including sextortion. You can reach the Cyber Tip line at 1-800-843-5678.

You can also report Snapchat sextortion to our helpline, where you can speak with trained experts that deal with Snapchat sextortion and have the expertise to help you track and catch your blackmailer.         

Preventive Measures and Expert Advice 

  1. Be mindful of your audience

The first step in protecting yourself on Snapchat is to be mindful of your audience. Before you post anything on the app, ask yourself, is this something I want everyone to see? While your snaps may only be visible for a few seconds, it’s important to remember that they can be saved, screenshot, or even recorded. Don’t post if you’re uncomfortable with the possibility of someone else sharing or distributing your snaps.

  1. Block and report any abusive behavior

If you come across any abusive behavior, such as cyberbullying, harassment, or sexual explication on Snapchat, it’s essential to take immediate action. The app allows you to block and report offending users. To block, hold down on the user’s name and select ‘block.’ To report, select ‘report’ and choose the type of abuse you’re experiencing. Snapchat takes these complaints seriously and will investigate and take necessary steps to protect its users.

  1. Set your account to private

By default, Snapchat accounts are set to ‘public,’ meaning anyone can view your snaps. But if you want to limit access to your content, you can set your account to ‘private.’ This means only your followers can see your snaps, and you must personally approve any new followers. To do this, go to ‘settings’ and select ‘privacy.’ Swipe the toggle to ‘private,’ and you’re good to go.

  1. Seek professional help

If you’re experiencing severe mental or emotional distress due to Snapchat-related abuse, seeking professional help is essential. There are plenty of resources and organizations out there that can help you. A therapist or counselor can provide support and guidance on dealing with any trauma or psychological harm caused by the abuse.

  1. Educate yourself and others

Finally, the most crucial preventive measure in dealing with Snapchat-related abuse is to educate yourself and others about its dangers. Learn how to recognize abusive behavior and report it effectively. Share your knowledge with your peers, family, and friends. The more people know about the risks related to Snapchat, the better equipped they will be to protect themselves.


Sextortion is a crime that leaves victims in a vulnerable position. We all must take steps to prevent it and report it when it happens. If you have experienced sextortion on Snapchat, don’t lose hope, and don’t try to handle the situation alone. Remember that there are resources available to help you. Use the tips above to report your situation and get the support you need to recover and move forward.

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