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5 Tips on Hiring and Retaining the Right Cybersecurity Talent

5 Tips on Hiring and Retaining the Right Cybersecurity Talent

by Igor Mikhaylov2016-12-10

According to the Institute of the Persian Gulf countries in Washington, damage from cyberattacks reaches $ 1 billion in the region in the year. However, the problem is global. Have implemented high technologies (for example, “smart city”), the country at the same time attracts cybercriminals. There is a serious shortage of qualified talent. The shortage of talent is affecting all types of organizations in a variety of ways. Breaches go undetected, incident response times stretch to days or weeks, malware compromises the network so severely that employees cannot do their jobs and sales can be lost during an uncontrolled denial-of-service attack.

It is only at first glance just hire the candidate. Here are 5 tips to finding cybersecurity talent:

1. Define the exact skills that you need.

2. Consider not requiring a bachelor’s degree

3. Engage young and entry-level talent. So be active in social networks, especially if you are trying to entry-level recruitment or young candidates.

4. Ask the right questions during the interview.

5. Once you have hired a candidate, you should turn your attention to retaining him or her.

The shortage of talent is expected to continue for many years to come. Organizations that position themselves to find and retain the best talent will have an advantage over those that do not, and will be better equipped to protect and secure their networks. You can Download the whitepaper to learn how to Improve SOC Efficiencies and Bridge the Security Skills Gap.



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