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iOS forensics: “Frequent Locations”

iOS forensics: “Frequent Locations”

“Frequent Locations” are going to be a forensic goldmine in lots of cases. Parsing the artifacts can help an investigator to find locations the device has been. The “Frequent Locations” feature was introduced with iOS 7 release. It is enabled by default.

According to Sarah Edwards’ research, it’s data is stored in two binary plists under /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/ You can access the files only if you a physical dump or physical access to a device (jailbroken device).

To make our lives easier, Sarah has written a python script that parses these plists.

It has two dependences: and Both files can be put to the same folder as the script. The script can be downloaded here.

The script is really easy to use:

python StateModel1.archive > StateModel1_parsed.txt

Again, more info about “Frequent Locations” forensics you can find here.


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