Posts Tagged ‘office document’

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Analysis of Email Attachment Timestamps

Arman Gungor is a certified computer forensic examiner (CCE) and an e-Discovery expert with more than 21 years of experience in computer technology and technology. He is appointed as a neutral expert on computer expertise, as well as a neutral consultant on electronic discovery. In this blog, he talked about analyzing the timestamp for sending e-mail in Outlook.

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Word Documents with Macros Forensic Analysis

Attacks in memory are growing and attracting increasing attention. The consumer deceives the inclusion of macros in a Microsoft Office Word document that is delivered by email. Users will receive several email options, regardless of whether it has a built-in link or attachment.

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VBA Macro code analysis

Malware authors always find a unique way to distribute and run malicious software. Cyber attacks are becoming more and more every year. BALAJI is a certified ethical hacker in a security researcher in Comodo Security. He wrote an article about Distributive Malicious RTF Excel Sheets Document and Installing RAT using VBA Macro code.

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How to decrypt encrypted PDF files

JOHN August decided to conduct an experiment. He was curious about how easy it is to crack encryption on one simple document using a fairly standard engine. So John made two files, one “simple” and one “hard”. John wondered if there were any practical ways to overcome these locks. Didier Stevens wrote a series of articles on “How to crack encrypted PDF files.” This article provides an answer to the question posed by John Augustus. Didier explains how he deciphered the “simple” encrypted PDF files in the first part. It uses the same steps as for the “simple” PDF file to crack the “hard” PDF in the second part of [...]

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