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What To Do if You Get Doxxed: A Complete Guide

Your personal information may be all over the internet. Even without your consent or intention of sharing it, many sites exist for the sole purpose of mining and sharing your information. 

Data collected from various sources, both public and private, combine to give a full picture of you. While one site may not contain a full picture of you, others may have pieces that others do not, and collectively, they can give a bad actor all the information they need. 

Information about you may be available online through public records, data mined by other sites, and obtained through more sinister methods. Because these sites gather your information from various sites there’s the [...]

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How To Remove Content Online: 10 Steps To Get Rid of It

They say the internet doesn’t forget, and in some ways, that may be true, but there have been recent moves to take back control of personal details. The ability to search for individuals and find information about them is a unique ability that has quickly become an issue for many people. 

The rise of the internet and ease of access to personal details can be concerning. Your contact information, personal details, and potentially damaging information may be available for anyone to find. 

This content is open for potential employers to find or for the general public to see. Inaccurate articles and pictures can harm your reputation and don’t allow you to give your side of [...]

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The Dangers of Sexting: What To Be Aware Of

Sexting is a widespread activity in the modern age and has been popularized by movies and TV shows. While these forms of media show the innocent nature of two intimate partners sharing a connection, the dangerous aspects are often left out. 

People of any age can be in danger of the potential consequences of sexting despite the social norm that has surrounded it. While sexting between two consenting adults is acceptable behavior, there are circumstances that make the act dangerous. 

Whether it’s the threat that it poses to minors or the unexpected repercussions for adults, there are things to consider before hitting send on a sext. In this article, we’ll be covering the [...]

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Social Media Impersonation: What Is It and How to Deal With It

Almost everyone is on social media; at least, that’s how it may feel in today’s age. Most people who use the internet have some form of social media, whether that’s Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or belonging to a social forum. 

Many social media users operate multiple forms of accounts — up to six accounts on various platforms — because each one provides a different experience and can give access to certain people, companies, interests, and hobbies.

However, the increased use of the internet and social media can lead to some safety issues, which we rely on the help of the platforms to help reduce. Instances of bad behavior, inappropriate posts, and spam are left to the [...]

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Gaming Security: How To Stay Safe and Risks To Avoid

Online gaming has grown exponentially in the last decade, with options for people to play with friends, family, and strangers. Online games can be played from various devices, such as computers, gaming consoles, and even smartphones. 

Each game brings its own approach to interacting, with some games allowing no communication, texting, or voice chats. Many games focusing on online interactivity will have options for communicating with other players. 

Some games come with an entire community that is within the game or software and networks outside of the game. Online gamers can become members of forum communities, discord messaging servers, and proprietary hosts that [...]

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Oversharing on Social Media: 6 Things Never To Mention for Your Security

Social media allows everyone to interact with people all over the world and most of us are on social media. We use social media to connect with friends and family, engage with people who share a hobby, or content creators who share entertaining posts. 

Many social media platforms encourage us to take part in the social aspects by posting about the places we go to. Many of us share celebrations online, tag our friends and family, and mention many aspects of our personal lives.

We know that some things we just don’t share online. We don’t want to tell people our passwords yet some information we share may provide clues to it. We may avoid engaging complete strangers in [...]

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What Can Someone Do With My Email Address Without the Password?

We use our email addresses for everything. In fact, 92% of the US uses email as a form of communication. 

Having an email address opens you up to the wide world of the internet. Of course, you don’t need an email address to use the internet. If you’re looking to open up accounts or join features of a website, an email address is typically the bare minimum requirement you have to provide.

In a lot of ways, an email address is like having a PO Box. This is a place to send and receive mail without giving away exactly who you are or where you live. Even though email addresses add a layer of anonymity to your online presence, the fact that they’re tied to so many accounts [...]

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